COVID-19 Information
Starting Sunday, March 22, 2020 we will temporarily suspend in-person worship gatherings and host a virtual worship service instead. This Sunday, Virtual Sunday School will begin at 10AM taught by our Executive Pastor and our Virtual Worship Experience will begin at 11AM with the Word shared by our Senior Pastor, Dr. Joel Taylor. You don't want to miss it!
There will be two primary ways for you to participate in worship:
1. You may worship digitally on Greater Mt. Pleasant’s or St. Paul’s Facebook Page. To view live Click Here. Please know that you do not have to have a Facebook page or account to view the service.
2. You may listen to our services via your home or mobile phone. To do so, please dial 13126266799. When prompted, please enter the meeting id or access code which is 7738463446. Please know that for Sunday’s virtual gathering, you will hear us but we will not hear you.
We anticipate high traffic on Facebook Live which may cause streaming difficulties. If for some reason this does happen, we will record the service and upload the video for viewing later that day. This is new territory so we ask for your patience and continue participation.
We ask that you be faithful in your giving to the best of your ability. There are 4 ways you may express your trust in God and continue to support your church during this season.
1. Give using Givelify App using a Debit/Credit Card. After downloading the APP from your mobile device’s Apple or Google Play store. Please follow the steps in the following link to set-up Givelify for the first time. Click Here.
2. Give using PayPal using a Debit/Credit Card Click here to access our Pay Pal Donation Page.
Greater Mt. Pleasant Members please Click Here for your PayPal page.
St. Paul Members please Click Here for your PayPal page.
3. Arrange for a Church official to pick up your gifts For both Churches, please call 773.846.3446 between 9am-12 Noon (Monday-Friday) to arrange for a Church official to pick up your tithes.
4. Mail your gifts using United States Postal Mail. Please mail to:
Greater Mt. Pleasant MBC - 1725 S. Kildare Ave. Chicago, Il 60623
St. Paul MBC - 6954 S. Union Ave. Chicago, Il 60621
Lastly, to stay connected with all of the up-to-date notices, please sign up for our text messaging system.
For GMP members please text the word “GMPChicago” to the following number “84576”
For STP member please text the word “STPChicago” to the following number “84576”
Once you have sent this text message, a link will be given. Please click the link and follow the prompts.
In closing, although we may not gather in person for worship, we can still BE the Church. We ask that if, during this difficult season, you have any needs, please call 773.846.3446 between the hours of 9am-12 Noon (Monday- Friday). By calling this number this ensures that all notifications will be shared with our Pastors & Deacons of both churches and a response can be coordinated in an organized and efficient manner.
We are praying for you during this difficult time. Most of all God is faithful and will see each of us through this challenging season. Let’s stay connected.
In Christ,
-Dr. Joel & Rev. Jasper Taylor
Hope to see you soon,
Pastor Taylor
773.522.2337 or 773.846.3446 Mon.-Fri. 9:30am to 3pm (CST) Fax 773.521.6616 Address 1725 S. Kildare Chicago, IL 60623 |